Microsoft Forefront, formerly known as Internet Security and Acceleration Server (ISA Server), is a network router, firewall, antivirus program, VPN server and web cache that runs on Windows servers. It includes identity management and protection systems, and discontinued systems for threat management and network protection, along with

企业级应用防火墙Microsoft ISA Server 2007-11-16 · 作为防火墙,ISA Server允许设置一组广泛的规则,以指定能够通过ISA Server的站点、协议和内容,由此实现您的商业Internet安全策略。通过监视内部客户机和Internet之间的请求和响应,ISA Server可以控制哪些人能够访问公司网络里的哪台计算机。 How To Protect Your Network: Microsoft ISA Firewall Server 2017-6-10 · ISA Server comes with a Firewall and Web Proxy client. You should deploy these clients to get superior performance over what a hardware firewall provides. The combination of ISA server and its clients provide an intelligent security solution, more so than an appliance without clients can offer. SQL Server论坛 - 51CTO技术论坛_中国领先的IT技 … 2020-4-22

ISA Server 2004 is an application-layer firewall, VPN (virtual private network) and Web cache product aimed at improving users' network security. Microsoft rolled out a public beta of the offering

Microsoft's ISA Server 2000 is more than just an update to Microsoft Proxy Server or an add-on to Windows 2000. The firewall/proxy server combo provides the security of a firewall and the caching processes of a proxy server, with a host of other options thrown into the mix.

2007-6-2 · #自 ISA Server 2004 投入生产以来发布的所有软件更新. #针对客户通过 Microsoft 客户服务和支持报告的常见问题的修补程序. #改进的日志查看器功能,包括

2012-3-5 · 请在ISA产品CD中查找可执行文件rmisa.exe,并尝试运行该程序。它可将由ISA插入的全部注册表项尽数删除。 问:我在基于Windows 2000的独立服务器上安装了ISA Server标准版。于是,Windows NT域中的防火墙便收到了编号为407的错误信息(不可用)。 ISA Server - TechGenix Articles / ISA Server Implementing a CNG HTTPS Inspection Certificate for Forefront Threat Management Gateway (TMG) 2010 (Part 1) In this article I’ll demonstrate how to configure TMG HTTPS inspection using an internal Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Public Key …